44 Cats, the animated preschool series from Rainbow, is expanding in North America with category leading licensees. Rubie’s Costume Company, the world’s largest designer and manufacturer of costumes, is bringing 44 Cats to life with a costume and dress up collection, and Franco Manufacturing, a leader in the bedding, bath and beach industry, will capture the playful essence of the 44 Cats brand with an extensive bedding and room décor line. Costumes and bedding will be available at national retail chains as well as at Halloween and costume shops starting in Fall 2020.
The 44 Cats series debuted in November 2018 and is enjoying tremendous popularity throughout the world, with a second series already in production. The 52 x 13’ series is an explosive mix of music and cuteness that deals with edutainment themes such as tolerance, diversity and altruism, combining positive values, action and comedy in a sophisticated CGI production. The show, which appeals to preschoolers and children aged 4 – 7, follows the adventures of Lampo, Milady, Pilou, and Meatball - four adorable kittens who are part of a musical group named The Buffycats - helping others and always finding creative solutions to everyday hitches.
The 44 Cats brand licensing programs is managed by The Joester Loria Group in the United States.