Miffy, the world-renowned bunny created by Dutch artist Dick Bruna and San Diego-based Just Peachy, the popular online clothing brand known their enamel pins, clothing, and accessories, have launched an exclusive Miffy collection for young adults. Miffy fans located in the U.S. and Canada can find the collection of apparel and accessories on justpeachyy.com.
Inspired by the internationally recognized, classic character Miffy, and available in a wide range of patterns and prints, the playful and stylish collection features unisex and women’s tees, sweatshirts, hats, bags as well as a camera strap and a mug, all featuring iconic Miffy graphics.
“This wonderfully curated collaboration between Just Peachy and Miffy enables Miffy to be shared with existing Miffy enthusiasts and new fans alike,” said Marja Kerkhof, Managing Director at Mercis bv, Miffy brand’s worldwide licensor. “We are excited about this partnership with Just Peachy, and for Miffy to be embraced by young adults, who as consumers, are on the pulse of the latest in fashion and pop culture.”
Born of a beloved bedtime story tradition between father and son, award-winning illustrator and Miffy creator Dick Bruna has been ‘coloring the worlds’ of readers and viewers with the character for over 65 years. Miffy has grown into a global sensation despite her humble Dutch roots, with over 85 million books sold in more than 50 languages, and broadcast via 70 television stations worldwide.
"We at Just Peachy are huge fans of Miffy, so the chance to work with such an iconic character is a dream to us,” said April Salisbury, CEO, Just Peachy. “We wanted to create memorable pieces that our customers would want to incorporate into their daily wardrobe. The excitement we've received over this collection has far exceeded our expectations and we cannot wait to see how everyone styles their new Miffy pieces."
The partnership was brokered by The Joester Loria Group, North American brand licensing agent for Mercis’ MIFFY & FRIENDS brand.